
Dienstag, 27. November 2012

Saves The Day sammeln Spenden

Für ihr neues Album setzen jetzt auch Saves The Day auf Crowdfunding - und sammeln via Pledge Music Geld ein. Die Band dazu:

"Saves The Day is making a new album and we want you to be involved. You guys have always been the driving force for us to make music. It’s your spirit that we drink in and turn into songs. You are our blood.

All of us in Saves The Day remember the gauzy days of seeing punk bands in basements: shouting over a PA, covered in sweat, our hearts on the floor. The audience and the band: raw emotion. As the stages we played got larger, we’ve challenged ourselves to always draw from this raw power. No filters. Audience and band; a single weird gang. Through every record and every tour, that’s been what it’s about.

So we’re trying a new thing. It’s always been about us – you and the band. Now, we’re making this album ourselves and we’re inviting you in on the process. We want you in at the start."

Wer mitmachen will findet mehr Infos hier.