
Mittwoch, 28. November 2012

Street Dogs machen Pause

Auf ihrer Facebook-Seite haben die Street Dogs bekannt gegeben, erstmal auf unbestimmte Zeit eine Pause einzulegen. Das ganze Statement gibt es bei einem Klick auf "Weiterlesen".

"Starting January 1 Street Dogs will be taking a break from recording and touring. We have spent the last ten years touring relentlessly and recording 5 albums. It has been amazing, rewarding and a joy but at the same time we have been away from our children, family and homes too much. We need to reconnect with our families and take care of ourselves better as well.
Let me stress that this is not the end but a break. I think we deserve one at this point and are eternally grateful to our family,friends and family for continuously supporting us.

Respectfully Submitted, Mike McColgan, Street Dogs"