
Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013

Album von Streetlight Manifesto am 30. April

Streetlight Manifesto haben endlich einen Termin für ihr neues Album veröffentlicht - die Scheibe soll am 30. April erscheinen. Die Band bittet Fans allerdings, die Platte wenn möglich doch direkt im Band-eigenen Shop zu erwerben:
"Even though the album is now set for release, through Victory Records, if you enjoy the music and the band the best way to support us is to purchase the album from The Risc Store  or from us directly at shows. Unfortunately, this is the only way we can insure the band actually makes money from our own music. The Risc Store works directly with Streetlight Manifesto to keep costs down and work with you to make sure you’re happy. The Risc Store also has exclusive designs for all Streetlight Manifesto and Toh Kay merchandise."