
Dienstag, 16. April 2013

Chi Cheng (Deftones) verstorben

Chi Cheng, Bassist der Deftones, ist am letzten Wochenende im Alter von 42 Jahren verstorben. Nach einem schweren Autounfall lag er seit November 2008 im Koma. Unser Mitgefühl gilt allen Verwandten und Freunden. Das Statement der Band lautet:

"There are so many things I can say, and yet at this moment, none of it matters or compares to the loss everyone feels. There will be a hole in our lives where Chi once was. But that will be filled everyday with all of our love and memories we all have in our heart. He will always be here because of love. It's time we all give our love and best, and do our best to love. Especially ourselves, Chi would want that for everyone. All our healing will begin with love. I love you, Chi.

Stephen, for Deftones"