
Montag, 20. Januar 2014

The Haunted: Single online

The Haunted, die momentan an ihrem für Sommer 2014 erwarteten neuen Studio-Album arbeiten und zuvor eine "zur Restrukturierung des Bandgefüges benötigte" Auszeit genommen haben, bringen jetzt eine Single namens "Eye Of The Storm heraus, die hier angehört werden kann.
Haunted-Gitarrist Jensen kommentiert den Release der Single wie folgt: “There aren't superlatives enough to describe how much the band has longed for these three songs to be released. We are sure fans have been anxious to know what the band sounds like today after all the turmoil and old members leaving and new members joining. We feel that these three songs represent the band perfectly. We are currently working on the new album, an album that will be filled to the brim with what we know to be "The Haunted". We'll start doing gigs this spring and we'll do festivals all over the place this summer. Get in touch with the festivals you visit (and behave like an animal at) and tell them to get us on the bill! The Haunted is back. Play it loud. No. Louder.”