
Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014

Gitarrist Corey verlässt Banner Pilot

Banner Pilot haben bekannt gegeben, dass Corey nicht mehr dabei ist und man aktuell auf der Suche nach einem neuen Gitarristen ist. Die Band schreibt:
"We have some crummy news to share— Corey has decided to leave Banner Pilot, and played his final show with us last weekend. It’s been awesome to have him as part of the band for the last few years, and we’re bummed to see him go. Luckily, it’s just because he has other cool stuff going on in his life right now, and not for a bad reason like him being adamant about moving the band in a ska direction.
Luckily for all of you, you can still check him out in his other band, The Manix, and we recommend you do so."