
Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014

Mixtapes: Auto-Unfall von Ryan

Ryan von Mixtapes ist in einen Auto-Unfall verwickelt worden und musste daher seine Teilnahme an der warped Tour abbrechen. Er schreibt:
"Hey everyone ryan here. Two days ago at a warped Tour stop I was in a car and got cut off and got into a pretty serious car wreck. Aside from some bad injuries I also got a concussion which I didn't know yet. Fast forward to a day later and I was driving and didn't realize the concussion and basically blacked out and hit a curb/tree so basically I'm an idiot. My doctor and many people at warped tour said not to play because I'm in pretty bad shape right now so as of now maura, Paul and Boone are playing without me and getting some friends to fill in, I hope to rest for a few days and come
Back and finish. I go to my doctor tomorrow at home and will let everyone know, everyone please come to warped, sing along, and thanks for all the awesome support, I will see you soon"