
Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Joyce Manor: Statement gegen Stage Diving

Stage Diving ist immer mal wieder ein kontroverses Thema, die eine oder andere Band geht auch aktiv dagegen vor - die auf Epitaph beheimateten Joyce Manor zum Beispiel. Nachdem es bei einer Show deswegen zu Streit zwischen Besuchern und der Band kam haben Joyce Manor folgendes Statement auf ihrer Facebook-Seite veröffentlicht:
"I wasn't able to watch people being hurt so I asked people not to act in the way that was hurting people. If that means you don't support the band, I respect that. If you don't want to attend the shows, we respect that. If you've bought a ticket to the show and want your money back because you want that to be your experience, we will refund you. 
I don't have an issue with anyone's lifestyle. I apologize to losing my cool in Houston. I saw someone whose full intention was to harm people and was upset. 
I look forward to playing music in a safe environment for everyone from here on out."