
Mittwoch, 5. November 2014

Refused: Band noch aktiv, Gitarrist gefeuert

Viele werden wohl gar nicht erwartet haben dass Refused nach Ihrer schon etwas zurückliegenden Reunion immer noch aktiv sind, auf der Facebook-Seite der band gab es die letzten Tage aber einige Aktivitäten.
Erst postete Jon Brännström, dass er gefeuert wurde: "I was fired from Refused a while ago. I wasn’t given a reasonable explanation and wasn’t even invited to sit down and talk about it, so I'm not completely sure why they decided to go on without me. We’ve always been better at punk rock than democratic processes and dealing with conflicts, so I guess I’m not too surprised it went down like this. Quite sad indeed, but perhaps it's all for the best. I have always been more interested in writing music than reproducing it, more at home in the studio than on the road...."
Der Rest der Band antwortete dann kurz darauf: "Any collective effort will have its ups and downs and when people really pour their hearts into something, things get complicated. We cut ties with Jon already in 2013 because he did not share our passion for the band. We don't know why he decided to emit this narrative on facebook or why he did it now, instead of just calling one of us up, but we wish him the best in his future endeavors."