
Donnerstag, 5. März 2015

Choking Victim: Tribute-Album im Stream

Wieder mal ein Tribute Album: Diesmal erweist No Time Records Choking Victim die Ehre - unter dem Titel "Load Yer Pipes: A Folk​-​Punk Tribute to Choking Victim" gibt es 22 Songs in neuer Version zu hören. Zu den Hintergründen heißt es:
"This entire project started out as a joke between Thqmas of The Insomniac Collective and Jesse of Skabel. What was supposed to be a few bands pulling together already recorded covers, turned quickly into a full blown cover album. Us at No Time Records hope you enjoy all of the work each band put into making their track. We all have a special place in our hearts for Choking Victim, its the band that unites all of us together! We hope that we all did them a justice. Thank you to every band for contributing their time and effort in to this project, With out you, this would not exist."
Den Stream gibt es nach einem Klick auf "Weiterlesen".