
Freitag, 13. November 2015

Save Ferris starten Crowdfunding

Save Ferris wollen nach 15 Jahren mal wieder eine neue Platte aufnehmen – und sammeln jetzt Geld dafür via Pledge Music ein. Die Band schreibt:

„We have exciting news…we’re making a new EP! This will be Save Ferris’ first album in 15 years, so as you can imagine we are PUMPED. Thanks to teaming with PledgeMusic, we can have you guys be a part of the entire process!

Every pledge you guys make toward our cause comes with an AccessPass, which gives you access to behind-the-scenes updates and other awesome content all exclusive to pledgers. Not only that, you also get a digital download of the EP.

Your contributions can get you a number of things including: limited edition pin sets and shirts, chances to join us on stage or on the record, lifetime backstage passes, personal items and tons more.“

Wer spenden will, findet die Kampagne hier.