
Samstag, 25. Januar 2020

Parkway Drive mit Viva The Underdogs-Soundtrack

Parkway Drive bringen den Soundtrack der Dokumentation "Viva The Underdogs“ am 27. März via Epitaph raus. Neben elf Live-Songs, die während der Headline-Performance des letztjährigen Wacken Open Airs aufgenommen wurden, enthält der Soundtrack mit "Würgegriff (Vice Grip)", "Die Leere (The Void)" und "Schattenboxen (Shadow Boxing)“ 3 exklusive deutschsprachige Songs. Auf letzterem ist CASPER mit einem Feature vertreten.
Einen schönen Vorgeschmack gibt das Video oben vom Wacken-Festival.
Frontmann WINSTON McCALL kommentiert die Hintergründe zu den deutschen Songs wie folgt:
“This was hands down one of the most unique projects we’ve undertaken. The idea of taking our songs and interpreting them through another language was a massive challenge, but considering the amount of time, love and support that has been shown to us over the years we wanted to commit to doing the project with full integrity. The result is every effort being made to translate the meaning, spirit, and conviction of these songs in a language that is not our own. We hope the result helps to strengthen the connection this music creates. We offer you these songs out of respect and our heartfelt thanks for all the times you have sung them with us in their original forms. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed the process of creating them.”