
Donnerstag, 24. September 2020

Austin Lucas – Neue Single, neues Album

Des einen Leid, des anderen Freud: Austin Lucas konnte wegen Covid19 nicht in die Staaten zurückreisen - und hat die Zeit hierzulande sinnvoll genutzt, um mit Freunden ein neues Album aufzunehmen. Das kommt am 30.10. via Sabotage Records, wird „Alive In The Hot Zone“ heißen, und die erste Single "Already Dead" steht schon online. 
Über die sagt Lucas: 

"There's a specific socio-political calamity that's been growing to fruition over more than half a century, clearly displayed by the current uptick of support for white supremacist ideologies and authoritarian dictators around the world. It's extensively studied by Alexander Reid Ross in his book "Against The Fascist Creep," where he sheds light upon the insidious, deliberate entanglement of far right fascist thought, both into leftist ideologies/radical spaces and mainstream right wing "patriot" culture. This song is directly about my heartbreaking personal experiences, watching friends as they are slowly and methodically manipulated and indoctrinated by racist, authoritarian, anti-semitic, hyper masculine and entirely fascistic ideologies. To put it succinctly, this song is about watching the terrifying decline of someone you love, as they fall into the darkest hole of hate and despair, until the eyes staring back at you from the shadows no longer belong to the person you once loved."