
Freitag, 12. Februar 2021

LGND (For The Fallen Dreams) mit The Ghost-Inside-Hilfe

Chad Ruhlig, seines Zeichens Sänger der Metalcore-Band For The Fallen Dreams, meldete sich jüngst unter dem Synonym LGND mit dem Song "Psychedelic Nightmare" zurück. Nun präsentiert der Musiker den Song "Spite Me", für den er mit THE GHOST INSIDE-Mitglied Andrew Tkaczyk zusammenarbeitete. "Writing 'Spite Me' with one of my closest friends of nearly 20 years was one of those surreal full circle moments for Andrew and I", erläutert der Amerikaner. "We got our start in music together and we were able to join forces again for a crushingly heavy track that expresses lots of emotion lyrically and sonically. I am extremely proud of how it turned out and our journey that led us back to writing together again."