Darin wurde auch bekannt gegeben, dass der Gedenkgottesdienst am kommenden Freitag, den 10. August um 9:30 in der Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph in San Jose stattfinden wird. Es handelt sich um einen öffentlichen Gottesdienst.Throughout his lifetime as a musician, whether it was fronting No Use For a Name, or during his solo career, it was as if he was speaking directly to each of us, and because of that, each of us felt a special connection to him. Of course the real connection was to his family, and his loved ones, but somehow when he sang "International You Day" (for Brigitte of course) you felt that he was singing to you. Thank you, Brigitte, Fiona, and Keira, for sharing him with us. He was loved by so many, and will be forever missed.
Ferner gibt es auf der Fat-Wreck-Seite eine Spendenmöglichkeit, um Tonys Töchter Fiona und Keira zu unterstützten.
Wer der Familie einen Brief schreiben möchte, kann diesen an die Adresse Tony Sly Memorial, PO Box 54405, San Jose, CA 95154, USA senden.
No-Use-For-a-Name-Frontmann Tony Sly war vergangene Woche überraschend verstorben. Er wurde 41 Jahre alt.